2 Tank Molokini (and 2nd site)
Our most popular trip, this 2-tank dive charter usually visits Molokini Crater first
and is followed by a dive along the shoreline where we are likely to see turtles!
What To Expect: Certified Divers
Marine Life Conservation District: Recognized for its rich marine life, Molokini Crater was designated a Marine Life Conservation District in 1977. This designation protects the coral reefs, fish populations, and other underwater creatures from fishing, collection, and harmful human activities. It's a haven for marine life to thrive, contributing to the vibrant underwater world divers experience today.
During these charters, we typically head out to Molokini first and moor on the inside of one of the corners of the crater. Here, the current is usually light and there is abundant fish life to be seen! Divers may reach 90 feet for a brief time, depending on the location and amount of current - your guides will assist you with local conditions each day. For the second spot, we scope out the best conditions for that day and try to find a place that will allow us to spot some turtles! The depth of our second site can reach 40-60 feet in depth, but is usually shallower for most of the dive.
Check in is at 6:15 in the morning and we return to the harbor between noon and 1:00.
These trips are suitable for experienced divers as well as novices and our crew does their best to group divers according to experience level with the goal of providing the best trip for each type of customer! Snorkelers are welcome with the addition of a private guide. Light snacks, juices, sodas, and water are provided.
Note: If it has been more than two years since your last dive, the Maui Diamond requires that you take a guided dive or a refresher ahead of time or hire a private guide for your boat dives.
Do you need rental gear? No problem! We can provide you with a BCD and regulator (and whatever else you may need) for just $20.
The Small Print:
Though we are planning to dive Molokini, Mother Nature is the ultimate boss of what we do. Should we find ourselves in conditions that do not allow us to safely dive at Molokini, we will find another more appropriate site or two and take it from there. We will not issue refunds if we find that the weather will not permit us to dive at the originally planned site.
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2 Tank Molokini Boat Dive Now!
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